
Workers owed $3.6bn in super guarantee
Workers are owed over $3.6 billion in superannuation guarantee according to the latest Australian Taxation Office estimates – a figure the Government and the regulators are looking to dramatically change. Superficially, the statistics on employer superannuation guarantee (SG) compliance look pretty good with over 94%, or over $71 billion, collected […]

Warning: Redrawing investment loans
The ATO estimates that incorrect reporting of rental property income and expenses is costing around $1 billion each year in forgone tax revenue. A big part of the problem is how taxpayers are claiming interest on their investment property loans. We’ve seen an uptick in ATO activity focussing on refinanced […]

Plain English guide to cashflow
Positive cashflow is the beating heart of your business. Dive into our Plain English guide to cashflow and find out how to get in complete control of your cash position.
#tax #accounting #businesstips #cashflow

Self-education: What can you claim?
The Australian Taxation Office have released a new draft ruling on self-education expenses. We revisit the deductibility of self-education expenses and what you can and can’t claim. If you undertake study that is connected to your work you can normally claim your costs of that study as a tax deduction […]

$20k deduction for ‘electrifying’ your business
Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how to maximise the deduction! The small business energy incentive is the latest measure providing a bonus tax deduction to nudge the investment behaviour of small […]

Succession planning
What is the end game for your business? Succession is not just a topic for a TV series or billionaire families, it’s about successfully transitioning your business and maximising its capital value for you, the owners. When it comes to generational succession of a family business, there are a few […]

Why is my tax refund so small?
The tax refund many Australians expect has dramatically reduced. We show you why. There is a psychology to tax refunds that successive Governments have been reticent to tamper with. As a nation, Australia relies heavily on personal and corporate income tax, with personal income tax including taxes on capital gains […]

Thinking of subdividing? The tax implications and pitfalls of small-scale subdivisions
You’ve got a block of land that’s perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. But, one important aspect has been left out; the tax implications. Many small-scale developers often assume that their tax exposure is minimal – but this […]

Tax Tips for Property Investors 2023
Are you making the most out of your investment property? Getting the income and allowable tax deductions right can be complex. We’ll help sort out the details so you’re claiming all you can.
Talk to us today to maximise your 2023 tax return.

Tax Tips for small businesses 2023
Are you claiming business tax deductions correctly? We’ll check eligibility for concessions, offsets, incentives, rebates, and verify taxable income and expenses – so you won’t pay more tax than you need to!
Talk to us and we’ll help make tax time easy.